Comandamentul American din Europa (USEUCOM) face un anunt foarte important despre baza turca de la Incirlik unde sunt amplasate trupe americane si avioane F-16 esentiale pentru campania impotriva organizatiei Stat Islamic.
Iata postarea pe Twitter a USEUCOM, ce anunta ca abia azi, dupa o saptamana, regimul Erdogan a reluat furnizarea de energie electrica bazei de la Incirlik :
Statele Unite au in Turcia peste 3000 de civili si militari in 3 baze, Incirlik fiind cea mai importanta dintre ele pentru ca aceasta gazduieste si faimoasele rachete americane B61 cu incarcatura nucleara.
Power Restored to Incirlik Air Base
Commercial electric power was restored to Incirlik Air Base in Turkey today. The base was without power since July 16 and was operating on backup generator power. We will retain this capability should the power be interuppted again.
Meanwhile, there is a steady flow of hot food, water, and fuel to support our service members and civilians in Turkey.
The United States, in close coordination with the Turkish military, will continue to work towards ensuring our facility, the U.S. servicemembers who live and work on it, and the operations occuring there remain fully prepared to take on a myriad of missions as we work together to defeat terrorism.