Wednesday, February 5, 2025
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Breedlove : “Romania, aliat consecvent si de nadejde in NATO”


Pentru ca exista persoane care posteaza in necunostinta de cauza despre profilul militar al tarii noastre, iata cea mai recenta evaluare venita din partea celei mai autorizate persoane : generalul Philip Breedlove, Comandantul Suprem al Fortelor Aliate din Europa (SACEUR), care este in acelasi timp si comandantul Fortelor SUA in Europa (EUCOM).

Generalul american a prezentat recent in Congresul SUA un raport de 32 de pagini in legatura cu prezentul si viitorul trupelor americane si aliate in Europa, cu provocarile militare si de securitate ce evolueaza pe continentul european. Am retinut din pasajele pe care le redau mai jos o propozitie importanta a generalului Breedlove facuta in fata congresmenilor americani : “Romania este un aliat consecvent si de nadejde in NATO”

Iata fragmentul relevant din document :

“Romania is another example where EUCOM is building a strong security relationship. Romania continues its progress towards becoming a more modern, NATO-interoperable force. It has proven to be a consistent and dependable Ally well-poised to be a leader in the Black Sea region. The Romanian government offers troops to NATO without caveats, provides nearly unfettered access for training, including the Marine Corps’ Black Sea Rotational Force, and partners with the U.S. in providing strategic access in hosting the Aegis Ashore missile defense site. Romania is a key node for ISAF’s retrograde from Afghanistan by providing the U.S. and NATO unfettered use of its airbase at Mihail Kogalniceanu. Additional efforts are focused towards maintaining the niche capabilities Romania has developed to date, such as its combatproven land and special operations forces. Most recently, Romania has committed to its transition to a NATO interoperable air force with its agreement to purchase 12 F-16 fighter aircraft, making it an evolving regional leader in air surveillance capabilities and air force modernization. (…) EUCOM continues efforts with our fellow Allies to implement the European Phased Adaptive Approach for Ballistic Missile Defense. In particular, we saw the groundbreaking of the first Aegis Ashore site in Romania, and we continued negotiations for the second Aegis Ashore site in Poland. Completion of the Romanian site in 2015 will likely serve as a key decision point for NATO to move beyond its current interim capability to the formal declaration of an initial operational capability. Our continuing missile defense engagements with European Allies have borne fruit, as Poland, the Netherlands, and Norway have publically announced the intent to procure missile defense systems. (…)
In today’s world, NATO is the hub for international security where Allies and Partners around the globe can meet to address shared security challenges. NATO is all of these things because of the unmatched collective capabilities of its 28 Alliance members and 41 NATO Partner countries. The protection of European territory, allied populations and forces from increasingly diverse threats is a vital component of NATO’s collective defense, providing a security guarantee to a community of 800,000,000 citizens, half of the world’s GDP and a $3 trillion annual trade relationship.”

Documentul original aici :




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