Secretarul General al NATO Jens Stoltenberg a facut declaratii importante la GMF Paris pe 14 mai, in cadrul unei importante vizite in Franta.
“Este gresit sa credem ca SUA nu sunt angajate deplin in relatia transatlantica. SUA isi intaresc prezenta militara in Europa. In legatura cu decizia administratiei americane privind acordul cu Iran, au mai fost crize cu opinii diferite intre aliati : Suez 1956, Irak 2003. Si am ramas impreuna. Aliatii NATO reprezinta peste 50% din puterea militara a lumii, 50% din puterea economica. Impreuna suntem puternici si angajamentul aliatilor ramane ferm”, a spus Stoltenberg.
Dupa acest discurs, Stoltenberg s-a deplasat la Washington unde se intalneste, printre altii, cu presedintele SUA Donald Trump, cu seful Pentagonului Jim Mattis si seful Departamentului de Stat, Mike Pompeo. Tema principala o reprezinta un acord aliat deplin privind agenda importantului summit ce va fi organizat in Iulie.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg praised France for its important contributions to collective security and for its role as a champion of multilateralism. Mr Stoltenberg started a two-day visit to Paris today (14 May 2018) by meeting the French minister for the armed forces Florence Parly. They discussed NATO’s continued adaptation to face current security challenges, as part of preparations for the Alliance Brussels Summit in July.
Addressing a conference organised by the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Secretary General highlighted France’s participation in the NATO battlegroup in Lithuania and in the Baltic Air Policing mission, as well as France’s leading role in the fight against terrorism, including in the Sahel and Levant. He praised France for its investments in defence, with a clear commitment to reach 2% by 2025. “France is champion of multilateralism. And, at a crucial time for multilateralism, I count on France to help strengthen multilateral institutions like NATO,” Mr. Stoltenberg said.
Together with Minister Parly and the North Atlantic Council, the Secretary General met the President of the French National Assembly François de Rugy to kick off the first Conference on the Cyber Defence Pledge.
On Tuesday (15 May 2018), the Secretary General will meet President Emmanuel Macron.