Statele membre NATO au condamnat marţi decizia Rusiei de a se retrage din Tratatul privind forţele armate convenţionale din Europa (CFE), un tratat-cheie care limita unele categorii de arme convenţionale, adăugând că, în consecinţă, ele intenţionează să suspende aplicarea acestui tratat atât timp cât va fi necesar, relatează Reuters.

“Aliaţii condamnă decizia Rusiei de a se retrage din Tratatul privind forţele armate convenţionale din Europa şi războiul său de agresiune împotriva Ucrainei, care este contrar obiectivelor tratatului. Retragerea Rusiei este cea mai recentă dintr-o serie de acţiuni care subminează sistematic securitatea euro-atlantică”, a afirmat NATO într-un comunicat.

“În consecinţă, statele aliate intenţionează să suspende aplicarea tratatului CFE atât timp cât este necesar, în conformitate cu drepturile lor în baza legii internaţionale. Aceasta este o decizie susţinută pe deplin de toţi aliaţii NATO”, se arată în comunicat.

Rusia s-a retras oficial marţi din acest tratat-cheie care limita unele categorii de arme convenţionale, acuzând SUA că au subminat situaţia de securitate de după Războiul Rece prin extinderea Alianţei Nord-Atlantice.

Allies condemn Russia’s decision to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), and its war of aggression against Ukraine which is contrary to the Treaty’s objectives. Russia’s withdrawal is the latest in a series of actions that systematically undermines Euro-Atlantic security. Russia continues to demonstrate disregard for arms control, including key principles of reciprocity, transparency, compliance, verification, and host nation consent, and undermines the rules based international order. While recognizing the role of the CFE as a cornerstone of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture, a situation whereby Allied States Parties abide by the Treaty, while Russia does not, would be unsustainable.

Therefore, as a consequence, Allied States Parties intend to suspend the operation of the CFE Treaty for as long as necessary, in accordance with their rights under international law. This is a decision fully supported by all NATO Allies.

Allies reiterate their continued commitment to reduce military risk, and prevent misperceptions and conflicts. Allies strive to build trust and confidence, based on key principles of transparency, compliance, verification, reciprocity and host nation consent, thereby contributing to peace and security. Allies invite those states that share this commitment and these principles, to join our efforts to also contribute to increasing predictability and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.

Allies remain united in their commitment to effective conventional arms control as a key element of Euro-Atlantic security, taking into account the prevailing security environment and the security of all Allies. This complements the Alliance’s deterrence and defence posture that Allies have decided to further strengthen. Allies will continue to consult on and assess the implications of the current security environment and its impact on the security of the Alliance, and on our approach. Allies will make use of NATO as a platform for in-depth discussion and close consultation on arms control efforts.



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