Monday, February 17, 2025
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Tokes, apel disperat in favoarea lui Iohannis

Intr-um mesaj adresat membrilor PPE din Parlamentul European, cetateanul maghiaro-roman Laszlo Tokes lanseaza un apel disperat pentru ca magharii din Transilvania sa-l voteze pe Klaus Iohannis. UDMR este criticat pentru sprijinul acordat lui Victor Ponta, Tokes sustinand ca pentru “interesul maghiar autentic” Iohannis e cel mai bun. Tokes este cel mai vehement promotor al autonomiei teritoriale pe criterii etnice a maghiarilor din Trainsilvania.


Iata mesajul lui Tokes :

Subject Follow up to today’s item on EPP Group Meeting agenda on elections in Romania
From TŐKÉS László
To TŐKÉS László
Date Today 15:53
Brussels, 2014. 12 November

Dear Colleague,

Considering that there was no possibility for me to take the floor during the Group meeting of
this morning on the item concerning the Romanian presidential elections, I would like to share with
you the following, in order to provide authentic information on the issue:
– The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), member of the European
People’s Party, is currently member of the post-communist government led by Victor Ponta,
the current presidential candidate. This goes counter to our common EPP values and is
therefore completely abnormal. In 2012 this same government brought down the EPP
government at the time with a motion of anti-Hungarian character. UDMR, in principle
claiming to represent the Hungarian community of Romania, was also part of that coalition
Disregarding genuine Hungarian interests and the opinion of the absolute majority of
Hungarians of Transylvania, the UDMR is not willing to support Klaus Johannis, the other
presidential candidate standing on behalf of ACL (Alianta Crestin Liberala/Christian-Liberal
Alliance) member of the EPP.
– As President of the Hungarian National Council of Transylvania I also urged the leadership
of UDMR to reassess their position so far, and – united with the other Hungarian political and
civil organisations and the majority democratic Romanian forces – to stand behind the
Christian-democrat candidate on the right in an unequivocal way. This is the indispensable
requirement of the process of democratic regime change that started twenty-five years ago,
with the 1989 revolution in Romania.

László Tőkés
Member of the European Parliament

PS : Cel mai mare antiroman in viata, Laszlo Tokes, a fost dintotdeauna un aliat important al lui Traian Basescu si al premierului extremist maghiar Viktor Orban, pionul Moscovei in NATO si UE

cei trei


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