Secretarul General al NATO Jens Stoltenberg a lansat un avertisment la adresa Rusiei inaintea reuniunii ministrilor apararii din statele aliate, la Cartierul General din Bruxelles.

“Rusia mai are timp pana pe 2 august sa se conformeze Tratatului Fortelor Nucleare Intermediare – INF. Prin amplasarea rachetelor SSC-8, Rusia violeaza de multi ani acest tratat. Mai sunt 6 saptamani pana cand Rusia isi poate indeplini angajamentele internationale”

On Wednesday (26 June 2019), ministers will address Russia’s continuing violation of the INF Treaty. “We call on Russia to take the responsible path,” said the Secretary General, adding that Allies are planning to hold a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council next week to raise this issue again. Ministers are expected to decide on NATO’s next steps, in the event Russia does not return to full and verifiable compliance with the INF Treaty.

“We will also address Russia’s continuing violation of the INF Treaty. Russia has until 2 August to verifiably destroy its SSC-8 missiles, which violate the Treaty. 
The United States and other Allies have tried to engage with Russia about their new missile system for years, including in the NATO-Russia Council.
We are planning to hold a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council next week to raise this issue again. We call on Russia to take the responsible path. But unfortunately, we have seen no indication that Russia intends to do so. In fact, it continues to develop and field the new missiles.
And there are just five weeks left for Russia to save the treaty.
So tomorrow, we will decide on NATO’s next steps, in the event Russia does not comply. Our response will be defensive, measured and coordinated. We will not mirror what Russia does. We do not intend to deploy new land-based nuclear missiles in Europe.
We do not want a new arms race. But as Russia is deploying new missiles, we must ensure that our deterrence and defence remains credible and effective.
This is NATO’s job. 
Effective deterrence and defence also means staying ahead of the technological curve. Including artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and next-generation communications”

“Ministers will also discuss the security implications of new technologies, together with EU High Representative / Vice President Federica Mogherini and counterparts from Finland and Sweden. “These technologies raise challenges and opportunities for us all, and this could be a promising area for future NATO-EU cooperation,” said the Secretary General.

On Thursday (27 June 2019), ministers will address the implementation of NATO’s strengthened deterrence and defence posture, including the NATO Readiness Initiative. Ministers are also expected to approve NATO’s first overarching space policy. “NATO can serve as a key forum, bringing Allies together to share capabilities and information,” said the Secretary General.–331508


  1. Din punctul meu de vedere sa detii arsenal nuclear,in sec.21,e contrar legii Pamantului si tehnologiei actuale,si ar putea fi lejer considerat criminal impotriva umanitatiii orcine detine,numai amenintarea folosirii si da frisoane oricui.E clar ca trebuie eradicat,trebuie rezolvata toata treaba asta,pentru ca in caz de…nu castiga nimeni ci tot victimele colaterale.Atunci cui foloseste?Doar de sperietoare?Cu ce difera gazul nazist de arsenalul nuclear?Nu stiu “paienjenisul”,dar stiu efectele si nu le doresc nici macar dusmanilor.Vom vedea,urmarim.Iranul sta pe buza prapastiei si face declaratii “ciudate”privind sanatatea mintala a lui Trump,uitand ca e un sobolan vizionat de elefant.

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