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Am fost acolo. 30 de ani de când NATO a lansat Parteneriatul pentru Pace (PfP)

10 ianuarie 2024. Acum 30 de ani, pe 10 ianuarie 1994, intram pentru prima oară în sediul Cartierului General al NATO din Bruxelles.

Ocazia era una specială : Summit-ul NATO la nivel de șefi de stat pentru lansarea unei inițiative istorice – Parteneriatul pentru Pace (PfP), 10-11 ianuarie 1994.

Building a Partnership for Peace [1994] - YouTube

A fost mecanismul prin care a debutat procesul de extindere al Alianței Nord Atlantice.

România, după 45 de ani de comunism în care a fost ținută cu forța, s-a eliberat. A fost prima țară care a semnat inițiativa PfP.

După 10 ani, în 2004, se ridica drapelul României la Cartierul General al NATO, ca stat aliat.

Sunt amintiri frumoase dintr-o perioadă romantică, a presei scrise, în care am debutat ca jurnalist.

În acele vremuri, se difuzau comunicatele tipărite pe hârtie, pe care veneam și le luam dintr-un loc special, după ce eram anunțați prin difuzoare de către Direcția Presă și Informare a NATO.

Tot acolo găseam fotografii tipărite pe hârtie, pixuri, autocolante și altele.

Dar și casete audio (ulterior și video) cu declarațiile principalilor lideri ai țărilor NATO.

Am păstrat câteva casete audio de atunci :

De 30 de ani, sunt acreditat la #NATO, particip la toate evenimentele importante ale acestei alianțe politico-militare, cea mai puternică din istorie.

NATO împlinește anul acesta 75 de ani de existență și marchează aniversarea printr-un summit extraordinar ce va avea loc la Washington.



Summit Meeting of Heads of State and Government

NATO HQ, Brussels Belgium

Brussels Summit, Alliance Heads of State and Government launch Partnership for Peace

10 Jan. 1994At the Brussels Summit, Alliance Heads of State and Government launch Partnership for Peace (PfP), issuing an invitation to all NACC partner countries and CSCE states able and willing to participate. The PfP Framework Document is published. The concept of Combined Joint Task Forces is endorsed, as well as other measures to support the development of a European Security and Defence Identity. NATO Heads of State and Government reaffirm NATO’s readiness to carry out air strikes to prevent the strangulation of Sarajevo and other UN-declared safe areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Partnership for Peace: Invitation Document

issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council

We, the Heads of State and Government of the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, building on the close and longstanding partnership among the North American and European Allies, are committed to enhancing security and stability in the whole of Europe. We therefore wish to strengthen ties with the democratic states to our East. We reaffirm that the Alliance, as provided for in Article 10 of the Washington Treaty, remains open to the membership of other European states in a position to further the principles of the Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area. We expect and would welcome NATO expansion that would reach to democratic states to our East, as part of an evolutionary process, taking into account political and security developments in the whole of Europe.

We have today launched an immediate and practical programme that will transform the relationship between NATO and participating states. This new programme goes beyond dialogue and cooperation to forge a real partnership – a Partnership for Peace. We therefore invite the other states participating in the NACC and other CSCE countries able and willing to contribute to this programme, to join with us in this partnership. Active participation in the Partnership for Peace will play an important role in the evolutionary process of the expansion of NATO.

The Partnership for Peace, which will operate under the authority of the North Atlantic Council, will forge new security relationships between the North Atlantic Alliance and its Partners for Peace. Partner states will be invited by the North Atlantic Council to participate in political and military bodies at NATO Headquarters with respect to Partnership activities. The Partnership will expand and intensify political and military cooperation throughout Europe, increase stability, diminish threats to peace, and build strengthened relationships by promoting the spirit of practical cooperation and commitment to democratic principles that underpin our Alliance.

NATO will consult with any active participant in the Partnership if that partner perceives a direct threat to its territorial integrity, political independence, or security. At a pace and scope determined by the capacity and desire of the individual participating states, we will work in concrete ways towards transparency in defence budgeting, promoting democratic control of defence ministries, joint planning, joint military exercises, and creating an ability to operate with NATO forces in such fields as peacekeeping, search and rescue and humanitarian operations, and others as may be agreed.

To promote closer military cooperation and interoperability, we will propose, within the Partnership framework, peacekeeping field exercises beginning in 1994. To coordinate joint military activities within the Partnership, we will invite states participating in the Partnership to send permanent liaison officers to NATO Headquarters and a separate Partnership Coordination Cell at Mons (Belgium) that would, under the authority of the North Atlantic Council, carry out the military planning necessary to implement the Partnership programmes.

Since its inception two years ago, the North Atlantic Cooperation Council has greatly expanded the depth and scope of its activities. We will continue to work with all our NACC partners to build cooperative relationships across the entire spectrum of the Alliance’s activities. With the expansion of NACC activities and the establishment of the Partnership for Peace, we have decided to offer permanent facilities at NATO Headquarters for personnel from NACC countries and other Partnership for Peace participants in order to improve our working relationships and facilitate closer cooperation.

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