Apar primele imagini socante de la prabusirea podului din Genova, unde printre zecile de morti se afla si 2 romani, din pacate


  1. Nu va puteti imagina cum arata cerul,valvataie de nuante de la albastru inchis la gri deasupra zonei respective! In acelasi perimetru nuantele norilor trecatori erau infricosatoare, bucati unite de nori:albastru inchis,gri inchis,bleo,azur,albicios,mici nori intunecosi si revasrsarea norilor masiv pe o portiune uriasa de teren la mare distanta de locatia unde sunt eu!

  2. Claudio Borghi at BBC about Ponte Morandi Genova

    Autostrazile Italiei au fost privatizate in 1999; banii luati la turnichetzi ar fi trebuit sa fie folositi la reparatii. Nu au fost.

    (Dovada ca privatizarea nu e o solutie!)

    Cei din Ministerul transporturilor de la noi probabil asteapta si ei sa isi faca intai firme care detin autostrazi pt accesul carora sa taie bilet si sa se chiverniseasca.


    Collapse of the Morandi Bridge, “anomalies on the pylon nine”. The Polytechnic had warned Autostrade in November
    The document – The study by the University of Milan, based on analyzes carried out October 2017, was requested by Autostrade to find out about the conditions of the viaduct
    “For the loops of the balanced system number 9 it was possible to confidently identify only 4 global modes and 2 of them show a deformed modal not fully compliant with expectations and certainly deserving of theoretical-experimental insights”. This is how we read on page 44 of the Milan Polytechnic report on the Morandi Bridge. It is the decisive passage, the one that seems to point the finger right on the pylon 9, collapsed on August 14th

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