Fiica ideologului sef al Kremlinului, Aleksandr Dughin, a fost ucisa intr-un atentat la Moscova.

Darya Dughin a murit pe loc in urma exploziei masinii sale.

Nu se stie care este mobilul acestei crime.

Aleksandr Dughin, autorul doctrinei eurasianismului, este un intim al lui Vladimir Putin si cel care a justificat razboaiele Rusiei si invazia asupra altor state independente.

Aleksandr Dughin a fost chemat de urgenta la fata locului, asistand la investigatiile politiei ruse si la identificarea masinii in care se afla trupul carbonizat al fiicei sale.


Relatare Twitter :

It is reported that car was blown up with Daria Dugina in suburbs of Moscow. She was daughter of Alexander Dugin (a person close to Putin highly engaged in propaganda). Reportedly she died on spot. She was also in British sanctions list from 4th of July.

A Land Cruiser Prado carrying the daughter of famed Rashist ideologist Alexander Dugin was blown up near Moscow. The explosion occurred near the village of Bolshiye Vyazemi. Dugin’s daughter Daria died on the spot.





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