Intalnire cruciala acum 2 zile in Azerbaijan : Comandantul Suprem al Fortelor Aliate din Europa, generalul Curtis Scaparotti a purtat discutii cu generalul Valery Gherasimov, seful Statului Major al Armatei Federatiei Ruse.
Intr-un context foarte marcat de tensiuni intre cele doua parti, generate de agresiunile militare repetate ale Rusiei si incalcarea normelor elementare ale dreptului international, aceste intalniri au scopul mentinerii unui dialog minimal intre liderii militari aliati si cei rusi.
Iata comunicatul SACEUR :
General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe met with General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and First Deputy Minister of Defence today, 12 December 2018, in Baku, Azerbaijan.
NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander and the Russian Chief of the General Staff exchanged views on their respective military activities and exercises. The two military leaders use this channel of communication to promote military predictability and transparency.
Today’s meeting reflects the priority NATO accords to transparency and predictability, and demonstrates a commitment to use this important channel of communication between NATO and Russian military authorities for this purpose.
This is the second face to face meeting for General Scaparrotti and General Gerasimov in Baku, Azerbaijan. Their first meeting took place in April 2018 followed by a phone call in September 2018.
General Scaparrotti and General Gerasimov agreed to continue using the military lines of communication in the future.