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Mesaj important : NATO e hotarata sa sprijine Republica Moldova

Premierul Republicii Moldova Maia Sandu primita de Secretarul General al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Prime Minister Maia Sandu of the Republic of Moldova to NATO Headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday (3 July 2019). Mr. Stoltenberg praised the partnership between the Alliance and the Republic of Moldova, saying it promotes peace and stability. The Secretary General said NATO remains committed to continuing its cooperation with the Republic of Moldova, with full respect for the country’s constitutional neutrality, and full support for its independence and sovereignty.

Prime Minister Sandu,

A warm welcome to the NATO Headquarters. This is not your first visit to NATO, but the first visit you have to this new building. And of course the first visit you have, to NATO, as Prime Minister. And let me start by congratulating you on your recent appointment. I commend the peaceful transition of power in your country. Based on dialogue and compromise. The Republic of Moldova is a close NATO partner. And we remain committed to continue our cooperation.

With full support for the Republic of Moldova’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. And full respect for your constitutional neutrality. Our partnership promotes peace and stability and makes us all more secure. We are grateful for the Republic of Moldova’s contributions to our peacekeeping mission in Kosovo since 2014. This shows that the Republic of Moldova is a responsible contributor to international security. And enables your forces to improve their skills, and their ability to work with international partners.

Our partnership has also other practical benefits. NATO has helped to:

  • Destroy hazardous pesticides in your country;
  • Improve the Republic of Moldova’s cyber defences;
  • And improve good governance in your armed forces.

Including through a Defence Capability Building Package.

We are also helping the Republic of Moldova to update and implement its strategic defence documents. It has been almost two years since we opened the NATO Liaison Office in Chisinau. As requested by the Moldovan government, the small civilian Office is facilitating our support for the Republic of Moldova’s ongoing reforms. And increasing transparency and awareness about NATO’s cooperation with the Republic of Moldova. We thank you for the government’s support to the Office.

So madam Prime Minister, NATO fully supports a stable and prosperous Republic of Moldova. We commend your firm commitment to democratic values. And we encourage you to continue to implement reforms that benefit your people. Including strengthening the judiciary, fighting corruption, and building more capable armed forces and security institutions. NATO and the Republic of Moldova have been close partners for more than 25 years. And we remain committed to supporting the Republic of Moldova on your chosen path.

So thank you once again for coming here and it was a great honour and pleasure to meet with you, madam Prime Minister.


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