Articol spectaculos in Military Times : Pentagonul se pregateste pentru o pandemie de coronavirus. 

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An executive order issued by the Joint Staff and approved by Defense Secretary Mark Esper this month directed Northern Command and geographic combatant commanders to initiate pandemic plans, which include ordering commanders to prepare for widespread outbreaks and confining service members with a history of travel to China.

The Navy and Marine Corps messages, issued Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, reference an executive order directing U.S. Northern Command to implement the Department of Defense Global Campaign plan for Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases 3551-13.

The document serves as the Pentagon’s blueprint for planning and preparing for widespread dispersion of influenza and previously unknown diseases.

U.S. Northern Command said Wednesday it was directed the Joint Staff Feb. 1 to commence “prudent planning” in their assigned role synchronizing the department’s plans for pandemic flu and disease.

But in no way “does the planning indicate a greater likelihood of an event developing. As military professionals, planning for a range of contingencies is something we owe the American people,” Navy Lt. Cmdr. Mike Hatfield said.

“We coordinate with other combatant commands to assess potential impacts in the event of a pandemic and we ensure the U.S. military is poised to respond as required,” Hatfield said in a statement. “The military profession fosters a culture of planning, and the fact that we are coordinating planning efforts across the geographical combatant commands is consistent with how we prepare to respond, if directed.”

According to the Marine Corps message MARADMIN 082/20, commanders are to review their disease containment plans and take “preparatory and precautionary actions” to protect service members, installations and ships.

This includes ensuring that the plans contain procedures for “response, isolation, quarantine, restriction of movement and community based intervention” as well as developing measures to contain and treat those possibly exposed.

The Marine Corps’ mission, according to the message, is to “prepare for potential outbreaks of [COVID19].” The service must “mitigate, respond, and recover from the effects in order to maintain force readiness.”

COVID19, the flu-like virus that originated in Wuhan, China, is now responsible for killing more than 1,100 people and sickening at least 45,000. While the rate of new cases has fallen in the past several days in Wuhan and Hubei province, the death toll continues to climb, topping more than 100 in a single day Monday in China.

The number of cases in the U.S. remains at 13.

DoD 3551-13 calls for preparing for a pandemic and ensuring open lines of communication in the community, diseases surveillance and detection, response and containment.

According to the service messages, military commanders have been asked to confine any service member who has been to China since Feb. 2 to their residences or, if they live in an open barracks or share a bathroom with others, restrict them to a temporary lodging facility for 14 days.

The restricted service members will be assessed daily for fever by medical personnel by phone or in person and wear protective gear if they personally conduct the medical checks, according to the messages. Should they display symptoms, they must seek medical attention, but call their military treatment facility first to inform them of their travel.

The Marine Corps message advises civilian employees and contractors, as well as any family members returning from China, to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance to detect the virus and prevent its spread, which include voluntarily remaining at home, limiting close contact with people and animals, self-monitoring and seeking medical care if symptoms develop.

The Navy has included visits to Hong Kong and Macau as part of its directive and gives commanders the flexibility to decide whether they need to confine a service member who has had close contact with a person who has traveled to the region.

The Marine Corps also has told commanders to work with military treatment facilities on developing and executing any response and stay up-to-date on CDC guidance regarding the virus.

The Army issued a service-wide message Jan. 31 on the coronavirus advising its members on the illness’s symptoms and instructing them on reducing their risk of catching the infection. The message was issued the same day the Pentagon released an advisory about how service members can reduce the risk of catching the disease.


  1. Si primaria capitalei din Municipiul Bucuresti se pregateste pentru extinderea rapida a gripelor: din martie saracimea motorizata nu mai are voie decat cu taxa sa patrunda prin centru sau cu autobuzul,troleul pana la un punct si dupa piedos cu masca sau botnita pe figura ca face picioare frumoase si plamanii praf. Chiar daca ai euro6 sau electrica tot nu poti sa ajungi pana la primaria capitalei care are toate parcarile rezervate pentru lenesii si incapabilii capitalei,pazite de politiile locale ale capitalei si imprejmuite cu garduri de asalt .Pana si alveola de la intrarea rezervata primarului are un gard in dotare. De guvern ce sa mai zic este pregatit total. Pe soseaua de centura ministerul de interne cu curajosul ministru si DSP au luat primele masuri de extindere rapida a gripelor. Au eliminat toti pestii si interlopii de pe traseu si au permis plantarea din 200 in 200m a sentinelelor gripale. Poti alege ce iti pofteste inima sortimente pentru toate gusturile masurile si metehnele. Zici ca fenomenul caracal a fost implementat pe centura. Masura a fost extinsa si pe inelul principal urmeaza inelul median si inelul expres. Va dati seama ce ne asteapta in martie? Daca scapi de gripa tot nu scapi. Te asteapta ceva la plamani fie din aglomeratia de pe strazile laturalnice zidului chinezesc Firea fie din praful plin de ciment si ipsos al santierelor fara numar fara numar(asta daca nu te ineci cu polistiren expandat de la reabilitarea termica a ajutoarelor de partid de la sectoare) Va dati seama de dimensiunea prostiei la primaria capitalei si impactul de mediu? 500000 de masini euro 1 si 2 vor lua cu asalt srazile laterale si marginase ca sa tranziteze orasul in roza vinturilor fara a beneficia de arterele NS E V construite special ca sa descongestioneze traficul dupa proiecte incepute din anii 30 si finalizate in comunism. Cat de cinic trebuie sa fii sa vezi oamenii chinuindu_se ca in epoca de aur ca sa iti demonstrezi ce? Ca esti un repetent si ai chiulit la chimia gazelor ca nu ai habar de miscarea gazelor si geografia Bucurestiului. Poate trebuie sa intrebe pe cei de la ISU despre hartile cu miscarea aerului in primaria capitalei. PSD este specialist in garduri firea iar PNL specialist in borduri inalte. Ciuma lui caragea va fi inlocuita cu gripa lui firea.

  2. deci se pregatesc pentru ceva ce nici ei nu prea cred ca se va intimpla:
    “ But in no way “does the planning indicate a greater likelihood of an event developing. ”


    Daca n-ar exista clickbait-urile, stirile inventate, stirile exagerate, stirile catastrofice, stirile neverificate, stirile despre nimic, preluarea declaratiilor degeaba ale politrucilor, etc probabil ca s-ar scrie de 10-20 de ori mai putin.

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