Acordul încheiat în 2015 la Paris privind limitarea încălzirii globale va intra în vigoare în 30 de zile, a anunțat miercuri Organizația Națiunilor Unite, conform Reuters și AFP.

Anunțul intervine după ce a fost îndeplinită condiția ratificării textului de către 54 de țări reprezentând împreună 55% din emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră, conform site-ului Convenției ONU privind clima.

Conform acestei surse, 72 de țări, reprezentând 56,75% din emisiile mondiale, au depus instrumentele de ratificare la secretariatul ONU, ceea ce deschide calea pentru intrarea în vigoare a documentului 30 de zile mai târziu, adică la începutul Conferinței Părților Convenției-Cadru a Națiunilor Unite privind Schimbările Climatice COP22 (7-18 noiembrie), în Maroc.

Acordul încheiat la Paris în decembrie 2015, în cadrul COP-21, prevede limitarea creșterii temperaturii mondiale la 2 grade Celsius față de nivelul din era preindustrială, scrie Agerpres.


  1. Asta e zi istorică?
    A fost zi istorică, prin 2000, ziua în care au semnat şi s-au înţeles să distrugă românia şi naţiunea patriotă! Nu se văd faptele zilnic? Sau nu se vrea văzute?
    1. Vom ajunge să batem în cuie pentru totdeauna o zi istorică la momentul când vor împinge refugiaţii spre românica şi patrioţii care vor mai avea putere şi vor rezista, vor fugi de nu or să mai simtă pământul sub picioare!
    2. Vom scrie cu sânge în cartea de istorie românească momentul sau clipa în care războiul va debuta brusc pe acest teritoriu încât nici respraţia nu o vom mai simţi!
    …sau se va scrie istoria după cheful şi moftul manipulărilor bazate pe finanţare pe minciuni! De ce nu?
    Doar trăim în era minciunilor şi prefăcătoriei, a hoţiei şi escrocheriei în grup sau pe persoană fizică(vorba lui vanghelie)!

  2. Dle Radu Tudor subiectul acesta este cand “rece”, cand cald :). Putem spune si faptul ca sunt foarte multi care considera “global warming” -incalzirea globala o mare pacaleala.
    Sunt oameni de stiinta care se contrazic intre ei mereu.
    Express by Jason Taylor /2015 : “John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible.
    Instead, what ‘little evidence’ there is for rising global temperatures points to a ‘natural phenomenon’ within a developing eco-system.
    In an open letter attacking the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he wrote:
    “The ocean is not rising significantly.
    “The polar ice is increasing, not melting away. Polar Bears are increasing in number.
    “Heat waves have actually diminished, not increased. There is not an uptick in the number or strength of storms (in fact storms are diminishing). I have studied climate change seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid
    Climate expert William Happer, from Princeton University, supported Mr Coleman’s claims.”The incredible list of supposed horrors that increasing carbon dioxide will bring the world is pure belief disguised as science.”

    “The major problem that the global warming cultists have faced is that the Earth has actually been cooling for more than 13 years now.
    Let’s get something straight; the climate is supposed to change. In 4 1/2 billion years, there has never been a time when the Earth’s climate remained exactly the same
    Global warming cultists like to talk about the balance of nature. This is a very romantic term, and sounds worthy of preservation. But there is no balance of nature. Nature is change. Nature is chaos. Nature is one life form going extinct while another evolves into being. Nature has never been in balance; it is in fact careening through time colliding with the landscape.

    Carbon dioxide occurs naturally. The major sources are volcanoes and respiration from animal life on Earth. As carbon dioxide increases plant life which uses carbon dioxide for photosynthesis will grow more abundantly. Again, producing more food. There are even companies which will install carbon dioxide enhancement systems for commercial greenhouses because it has been proven that increased carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth and larger crops.
    So the global warming cultists have settled on carbon dioxide as the villain because a tiny portion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, about 3% including breathing, can be traced to human activity (Al Gore claimed humans are responsible for over 50% of atmospheric CO2).
    How much atmospheric carbon dioxide comes from human activity? Not including respiration, human contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide is 28% of the total atmospheric carbon dioxide.
    With volcanoes producing far more carbon dioxide than humans, one wonders what all the fuss is about regarding our cars and industry.
    28% of atmospheric greenhouse gases contributed by human activity is upsetting the balance of nature. But as we pointed out before, there is no balance of nature. It is a romantic notion, but simply not reality.

    The Global Warming Fraud
    So how do we know we are dealing with a fraud? As noted above, climate change is something that is supposed to happen. The world is always getting warmer or colder.
    Politically correct climate change orthodoxy has completely destroyed our ability to think rationally about the environment.” — Richard Tol
    Al Gore and his investors have created a crisis called human caused global warming. They have created a product, literally out of thin air, called the carbon credit. This is essentially a license to pollute. And as experience in Europe has already shown, polluters will simply buy the license, and pass the cost on to consumers. The pollution will continue, has continued; the only real change is that goods and services cost more than they did before.
    These so-called carbon credits will be bought from those who have too many, and resold to those who need more. This will require a brokerage, of which the first one is owned by Al Gore and his investors, who stand to make billions of dollars from the trading of carbon credits. This is not unlike the manner in which Enron made billions of dollars off of the people of California by trading imbalances in electricity
    There is a huge amount of money at stake on convincing the people of the world that the Earth is getting warmer, that it is all their fault, and atonement is attained by submitting to carbon taxation.
    I do not care how many scientists traded their honor for global warming funding. Science is not a democracy where the majority rules
    Scientists need funding, and scientists know that if they say, “I found this phenomenon, but it doesn’t really seem to do anything” that there will be little funding and no media attention. But if they say, “I found this phenomenon, and it’s the END OF THE @#$%ING WORLD!!!!!!!!”, media attention will skyrocket, followed by more funding to study the problem. From this simple economic mechanism we get fed stories about killer bees, computers freezing up on Y2K, catastrophic global warming in 1817, catastrophic global warming in 1922, catastrophic global warming in 1947, a coming ice age in 1975…

  3. bullshitul continua
    boii ar trebui sa se gindeasca la racirea globala, care a inceput…. sunt cicluri de aprox 300 de ani, cu mult mai presus de puterea omului
    de ce o fost o mini era glaciara in evul mediu (approx anii 650-950), erau prea multe masini? asta ONU nu poate explica….

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