15 februarie 1927 – 24 aprilie 2018
Astazi ar fi fost ziua de nastere a istoricului si academicianului Dinu C. Giurescu.
Ar fi implinit 94 de ani.
Am realizat 20 de emisiuni cu aceasta personalitate a Romaniei, care ne lipseste atat de mult.
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca !
Una din fiicele sale mi-a scris de peste Ocean :
“Today would have been my father’s 94 birthday. It gives us pause to remember those who appreciated him and showed him kindness.
He greatly valued your collaboration and considered you a very talented journalist. Your programs were a rare ray of sunshine in his last years.
I hope you have stayed healthy throughout the ordeal of the pandemic. Wishing you all the best and hoping we may be able to reconnect in the future,
Marina Giurescu Vlah”