Decizie bomba a procurorilor germani intr-un dosar sensibil, cu implicatii europene. Concernul european Airbus a primit o dispozitie obligatorie de a plati o amenda de 81,25 milioane de euro pentru concluzionarea unei anchete privind vanzarea de avioane de lupta Eurofighter in Austria in anul 2003.
Procurorii din Munchen au declarat ca acuzatiile de “dare de mita” nu au putut fi probate, dar ordinul de a plati 81 de milioane de euro are in vedere faptul ca Airbus nu a putut aduce argumente solide pentru “plati de 100 de milioane de euro facute in companii paravan : Vector Aerospace LLP si City Chambers Limited”.
Noutatea stirii care a aparut acum cateva zile e faptul ca marele concern european Airbus a acceptat imediat sa plateasca cei 81,25 milioane de euro ceruti de procurorii germani.
Achizitia avioanelor de lupta Eurofighter a costat Austria 2 miliarde de euro in anul 2003. Fostul ministru al apararii a demisionat in urma acuzatiilor grave din jurul acestui contract.
Stirea Reuters :
FRANKFURT (Reuters) – German prosecutors have ordered Airbus (AIR.PA) to pay 81.25 million euros (71.98 million pounds) to settle one of two investigations into alleged corruption surrounding the sale of Eurofighter combat jets to Austria in 2003.
The settlement includes an administrative fine of 250,000 euros and “disgorgement” – which legal experts broadly define as the recovery of ill-gotten gains – of 81 million euros.
Munich prosecutors have been investigating whether Airbus issued bribes to win the $2 billion contract: charges it denies.
In a statement, prosecutors said they had not found evidence of bribery but that Airbus had been unable to account for over 100 million euros in payments to two shell companies.
Most of these funds, by evading internal control mechanisms, had been used for what the prosecutors said were “unclear purposes”, adding it could not be finally determined what the funds had been spent on.
Airbus said in a statement the penalty, which it had agreed to pay, related to the “negligent breach of supervisory duties” by unidentified members of Airbus Defence and Space’s former management.
The former managers failed to ensure proper controls that would have prevented payments to “business partners” without the company getting proven services in exchange.
Airbus regularly uses the term “business partners” to refer to foreign sales agents or intermediaries.
It is being investigated separately in France and Britain over the handling of agents in the sale of commercial jets.
PS : Pina acum traiam cu impresia ca Romania e singura tara europeana corupta. Este evident o exagerare. Iar “la ei”, solutiile pentru coruptie sunt infinit mai decente si vizeaza sumele, nu incatusari si spectacol