In conferinta de presa organizata in a doua zi a Summit-ului NATO de la Varsovia, l-am intrebat pe Secretarul General Jens Stoltenberg daca sustine initiativa Romaniei de cooperare navala NATO la Marea Neagra.
Secretarul General a raspuns la intrebarea Antena 3 ca “NATO sustine o cooperare extinsa si avansata la Marea Neagra, atat pe componenta maritima cat si pe componenta aeriana. Vom oferi consultanta si consiliere tarilor riverane pentru aceasta cooperare si speram la ca ministeriala de aparare din Octombrie sa existe o decizie.
Componenta aeriana si navala din Marea Neagra este completata in plan terestru de Brigada Multinationala NATO din Romania, a carei existenta am anuntat-o deja si se va regasi in Comunicatul final al Summit-ului”.
Min 7:30
OANA LUNGESCU: Okay. Antena 3. First row here.
Q: Secretary General, we all saw that in the last year the military turmoil that took place in and around the Black Sea. Romania has proposed to Turkey and Bulgaria a defence initiative maritime in the Black Sea. First of all what is your opinion about this initiative of Romania, and if you consider that a naval group, a NATO naval group in the Black Sea will be necessary? Thank you.
JENS STOLTENBERG: We have increased our presence in the Black Sea region. We have more air policing. We have more naval presence. And we agreed a tailored enhanced forward presence at our meeting yesterday, meaning that we will increase NATO presence built around the Romanian brigade in the south-eastern part of our alliance, and that will be a multi-national presence on land, which then different NATO allies will contribute to.
Moreover, we also decided yesterday that we will ask our military planners to provide advice on enhanced naval presence and also enhanced presence in the air over the Black Sea. And the plan is to then – based on those advices, to make decisions during the fall. So we will now ask the planners to provide advice and then make decisions depending on that.
Afirmatiile Secretarului General NATO se regasesc si in articolele 23 si 42 ale Comunicatului final al Summit-ului de la Varsovia :
23. We face evolving challenges in the Baltic and Black Sea regions, the North Atlantic, as well as in the Mediterranean, which are of strategic importance to the Alliance and to our partners. Russia continues to strengthen its military posture, increase its military activities, deploy new high-end capabilities, and challenge regional security. These developments have resulted in increased unpredictability that could be mitigated through reciprocal transparency and risk reduction measures. Recognising the indivisibility of Allied security, we will continue to closely monitor the situation in these regions. Our response will be tailored to specific circumstances in each region. We will also work with interested partners to enhance our situational awareness and to develop common approaches to evolving challenges.
In the Baltic Sea region, where the security situation has deteriorated since 2014, the Alliance has developed mutually beneficial partnership relations with Finland and Sweden on a broad range of issues. We appreciate the significant contributions of Finland and Sweden to NATO-led operations. We are dedicated to the continuous process of further strengthening our cooperation with these enhanced opportunities partners, including through regular political consultations, shared situational awareness, and joint exercises, in order to respond to common challenges in a timely and effective manner.
In the Black Sea region, the security situation has also deteriorated in recent years. We will continue to address the implications for NATO of developments in the region and take them into account in the Alliance’s approaches and policies. We will continue to support, as appropriate, regional efforts by the Black Sea littoral states aimed at ensuring security and stability. We will also strengthen our dialogue and cooperation with Georgia and Ukraine in this regard.
In the North Atlantic, as elsewhere, the Alliance will be ready to deter and defend against any potential threats, including against sea lines of communication and maritime approaches of NATO territory. In this context, we will further strengthen our maritime posture and comprehensive situational awareness.
41. We will also develop tailored forward presence in the southeast part of the Alliance territory. Appropriate measures, tailored to the Black Sea region and including the Romanian initiative to establish a multinational framework brigade to help improve integrated training of Allied units under Headquarters Multinational Division Southeast, will contribute to the Alliance’s strengthened deterrence and defence posture, situational awareness, and peacetime demonstration of NATO’s intent to operate without constraint. It will also provide a strong signal of support to regional security. Options for a strengthened NATO air and maritime presence will be assessed.