Sunday, January 26, 2025
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Un fake urias la baza incidentului grav Rusia-NATO din Marea Neagra?

Institutul Naval din SUA (USNI) a relatat acum 2 zile despre un fake urias generat de relatarea falsa a pozitiei in apele Marii Negre a navei militare britanice HMS Defender.

Acest fals cu efecte extrem de grave ar putea avea 2 explicatii :

  1.  Fake realizat cu intentie de elemente rusesti, pentru a justifica o actiune agresiva si anuntul Ministerului Rus al Apararii privind focurile executate asupra navei NATO. Aceasta operatiune ar putea sa fie parte a combinatiei razboi hibrid + razboi clasic folosit de Rusia masiv impotriva Occidentului dupa 2014, cand a avut loc anexarea ilegala a Crimeei. Falsul promovat genera ideea periculoasa ca navele NATO se indreapta direct spre sediul Flotei Ruse la Marea Neagra (vezi harta USNI). Un lucru e cert : falsul de acum 2 zile a folosit perfect Rusiei in mentionarea intr-un comunicat oficial al faptului ca a lansat focuri de avertisment si bombe in directia HMS Defender. Marina Regala Britanica dezminte ca s-au lansat astfel de focuri, dar povestea circula deja masiv in toata media internationala. Iar efectul s-a produs : Rusia trece drept aparatoarea cu arma in mana a cuceririi sale recente de la Ucraina, peninsula Crimeea. Si da semnalul ca va face la fel cu orice teritoriu pe care-l controleaza militar pe teritoriu altui stat
  2.  O greseala grosolana bazata pe echipamente vechi, operator aflat sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice sau o defectiune tehnica de moment. Toate acestea sunt elemente pur teoretice, greu de crezutArticolul integral postat de US Naval Institute News :

    Positions of Two NATO Ships Were Falsified Near Russian Black Sea Naval Base

    USNI News Illustration

The tracking data of two NATO warships was faked off the coast of a Russian controlled naval base in the Black Sea while the actual ships were moored 180 miles away, USNI News has learned.

The U.K. Royal Navy’s HMS Defender, a Type-45 Daring-class destroyer, and the Royal Netherlands Navy’s HNLMS Evertsen, a De Zeven Provinciën-class frigate, pulled into Odessa in Ukraine on June 18. The group had been monitored by Russian warships while exercising in the Black Sea, according to U.S. Navy photos dated on June 17.

According to an automatic identification system (AIS) signal, which transmits position details to improve maritime safety, the pair left Odessa just before midnight on June 18. The data shows that they sailed directly to Sevastopol, approaching to within two nautical miles of the harbor entrance. The strategic port houses the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

Despite the AIS track, there is clear evidence that the two warships did not leave Odessa. Live webcam feeds show that they did not leave Odessa, however. This was anyway the known situation in defense circles, and local media. Anyone in Odessa can see that they did not leave. The webcams are broadcast live on YouTube by Odessa Online. Screenshots archived by third party weather sites like show the two warships present in Odessa overnight.

Positioning two NATO warships at the entrance at the entrance of a major Russian naval base would be widely seen as a provocative action, based on conflicting claims of sovereignty . Most of the international community, including the U.S, Britain and the Netherlands, do not recognize Crimea as part of Russia.

U.K. Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender, USS Laboon and Dutch frigate HMNLS Evertsen take station for close proximity sailing as a Russian warship watches from afar (rear of picture) in the Black Sea on June 17, 2021. US Navy Photo

While the motives for the deception are unclear, the move raises questions about the efficacy of open-source intelligence data, such as AIS, which is becoming more common in both defense and by journalists. There is compelling evidence that the AIS tracks were faked. NATO representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment and the tracks were confirmed as false by Dutch naval warfare news site

The AIS positions were shared with AIS aggregator by a receiver station in Chornomorsk, close to Odessa. Other AIS aggregators also reported the false positions. HMS Defender was shown under the credentials that she is currently using, IMO 4907878. HNLMS Evertsen was reported as “Netherlands Warship,” MMSI 244942000. It is unclear how the false AIS data was introduced to the feed.

Both Defender and Evertsen are part of CSG21, the carrier strike group centered around HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08). The main body of CSG21 has remained in the Mediterranean, while the two warships temporarily deployed to the Black Sea, where they have been performing freedom of navigation missions and exercising with allies. They have visited Turkey and Ukraine and will also exercise with Romania and Georgia. They have also met with the U.S. Navy’s Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Laboon (DDG-58).



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