Un geniu a murit la o varsta la care inca putea spune multe. Salvatorul brandurilor FIAT si Chrysler, dar si al altor marci importante, a murit subit in urma unei operatii.

Fostul director executiv al companiei Fiat Chrysler, Sergio Marchionne, care s-a retras din funcţie în unor probleme de sănătate, a murit miercuri la vârsta de 66 de ani, relatează site-ul agenţiei Bloomberg.

Marchionne, a suferit un embolism în timpul unei operaţii de umăr, în urma căruia i-a fost afectat creierul.

Potrivit unor surse , Marchionne, în vârstă de 66 de ani, a fost diagnosticat cu un sarcom la umăr. Sarcomul reprezintă un tip de cancer al ţesuturilor moi.

Noul director general al Fiat Chrysler, John Elkann, nepotul lui Gianni Agnelli, a reacţionat într-un comunicat la vestea decesului lui Marchionne: “Din păcate, lucrul de care ne temeam s-a întâmplat. Sergio, omul şi prietenul, ne-a părăsit. Cred că felul cel mai potrivit pentru a-i cinsti memoria este să urmăm exemplul pe care ni l-a lăsat, să cultivăm aceste valori de umanitate, de responsabilitate şi de deschidere de spirit, al căror apărător cel mai convins el a fost întotdeauna.”

Wikipedia :

Sergio Marchionne (Italian: [ˈsɛrdʒo marˈkjɔnne]; June 17, 1952 – July 25, 2018), was an ItalianCanadian executive who was the Chairman of CNH Industrial, the CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, the Chairman and CEO of FCA US LLC, the Chairman and CEO of Ferrari and also Chairman of Maserati. He was the Chairman of Swiss-based SGS and he was the non-executive Vice Chairman of the Board of the global banking group UBS from 2008 to 2010, as well as the elected Chairman of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association for 2012 (first elected in January 2006).[4][5] He was also a member of the Peterson Institute for International Economics as well as Chairman of the Italian Branch of the Council for the United States and Italy.

Noted for his keen observations of the automotive industry, Marchionne’s insights ranged from frank criticism of his company’s own products to a highly-regarded 2015 presentation titled Confessions of a Capital Junkie, extolling the benefits of industry consolidation.[6]

Marchionne was widely recognized for turning around Fiat Group to become one of the fastest growing companies in the auto industry,[7] in less than two years.[8] In 2009, he was instrumental in Fiat Group forming a strategic alliance with the ailing US automaker Chrysler, with the support of the US and Canadian governments and trade unions. Less than two years later, following its emergence from Chapter 11, Chrysler returned to profitability, repaying all government loans. In 2014, Fiat and Chrysler merged into a new holding company, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, now the seventh-largest automobile manufacturer in the world.[9]

Following complications from surgery, Marchionne resigned from all of his positions in July 2018[10] and died a few days later.[11] After his death, the American business channel CNBC described him as a “legend of automotive industry“,[12] while the British newspaper Financial Times considered him “one of the boldest business leaders of his generation”.[13]


  1. Am avut un FIAT850 si am facut tara cu ea,buna masina,faptul ca a pastrat marca si a dus-o la nivel inalt ma face sa-i respect creatia!Imi pare rau,odihneasca-se in pace!

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